Friday, July 9, 2010

Harry Potter Actress In Attempted Honor Killing - Part 2

    Harry Potter

    According to reports, Harry Potter film actress, Afshan Azad, is having second thoughts about continuing with charges against her dad and brother, for assault, in an attempted honor killing that occurred in their Manchester, England home.

    Afshan Azad

    Victims are often torn over the prospect of sending family members to prison, when attempted or honor killings occur in the Muslim religion. Islam places next to no value on women and those that disobey its tenets, are thought to bring shame on the family, in acts worthy of death, to allegedly restore the clan's reputation and honor.

    Western authorities simply do not know how to deal with such issues, as they provoke an incendiary response from Muslims. However, when one moves to a new country, one must learn to integrate and observe the laws of the land.


    Harry Potter Actress In Attempted Honor Killing

    Man Murders Daughter In Honor Killing

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