Monday, May 3, 2010

Obama's DOJ Dropped The Ball In Arizona

    U.S. President Barack Obama

    How did U.S. President Obama's Department of Justice, headed by his friend, treacherous, unjust, Attorney General, Eric Holder, fail so miserably in the Arizona immigration law scandal, that is disgracing America all over the world. One check of the international news, both print and television, reflects this undeniable fact.

    How were lawmakers in Arizona able to get this terrible, inhumane piece of legislation off the ground, that violates the U.S. Constitution, which is the law of the land.

    They have literally created a police state, where citizens are subject to harassment and spontaneous searches, based on racial profiling that will largely target Hispanics, illegal immigrant or not.

    Illegal immigrants in Arizona, are also being thrown in jail for six months, punished for searching for a better life in America, all on the taxpayers' tab.

    Items in the Arizona Immigration legislation, resemble Nazi tactics, Hitler utilized on Jewish people. The Justice Department and its enfant terrible, the FBI, are so busy illegally spying on innocent Americans, without cause, this bit of legislative racism was able to get off the ground.

    Eric Holder

    This incident is going to financially damage Arizona two-fold. Not only will it hurt the food and construction industry, among others, in Arizona, which has greatly benefited from the labor of illegal immigrants, the economy shall lose many millions, potentially billions, when they are deported and not spending their paychecks to live in said state anymore.

    The U.S. state of California is also threatening a sweeping boycott of Arizona that will greatly damage it, due to the poor choices of the latter's lawmakers, who are in essence, abusing immigrants.

    Other business sectors worldwide are threatening to boycott Arizona as well, costing the state billions in cancelled contracts, conventions, product orders and tourist related activity. If the Justice Department had been on the ball regarding this issue, things could not have reached this terrible point.

    The officials in Arizona that passed these measures should be voted out and fined for violating the Constitution, as they have brought the world's wrath down on the state, drawing terrible comparisons to Hitler's Nazi regime.
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