Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Painful Anti-Rape Condom Invented

    Dr. Sonnet Ehlers

    South African doctor, Dr. Sonnet Ehlers, has developed an anti-rape condom for women, called the Rape-Axe, which mimics teeth and painfully latches on to a man's genitals, barring him from urinating or doing much else (suppressing laughter). Yea, that's what a rapist gets for trying that without permission.


    The device must be removed by a doctor, who is then morally obligated to report the suspected crime to the police. The intent of the device is to cut down on the number of rapes being committed against women, especially in Africa.

    Source URL: http://crystal-harris-sum.blogspot.com/2010/06/painful-anti-rape-condom-invented.html
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