Friday, June 18, 2010

Obama Approval Ratings Hit An All Time Low

    Barack Obama

    U.S. President Barack Obama's approval ratings have hit an all time low of 42%. The deteriorating U.S. economy, coupled with his less than satisfactory handling of the BP oil spill, has damaged his presidency.

    Obama's spending initiatives continue to be wasteful and unruly, such as $1.2 billion being spent on plans to get Americans walking and cycling, when a simple series of adverts would have done the trick.

    Pelosi did something similar regarding STD awareness, in trying to squander hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money, which the Judiciary Report denounced.

    The government persists in these plans that fritter away the people's tax dollars and at the worst time in world history, during an unprecedented, raging financial crisis.

    This idiocy is going to set America back even further in the financial world, as that $1.2 billion could be spent more productively or not at all, as the deficit is going to swell to $13 trillion dollars.

    Funding doubled for bicycling, walking projects

    WASHINGTON — A government report says federal transportation spending on biking and walking projects more than doubled to $1.2 billion in President Barack Obama's first year in office.

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