Thursday, June 24, 2010

The FBI Mad At Info Leakers

    FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

    The FBI has stated they are cracking down on people that leak government secrets and damaging information to journalists and bloggers. And, so (rolls eyes).

    The Judiciary Report regularly leaks info on the government and other entities that is later proven 100% true and correct. However, no laws are broken in how the information is obtained.

    As for the FBI whining and PMSing, maybe if they'd stop breaking the law, people wouldn't be whistle blowing left, right and center on their corrupt behinds.

    It's amazing how the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other related agencies believe they are to break the law against the public, via illegal spying, which so intrudes into the American people's lives and that of the international community, engage in other criminal abuses as well, yet feel they should be granted absolute cover and immunity in these crimes, by claiming it national security and thus, must remain confidential. That's called corruption.

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