Tuesday, July 13, 2010

FBI Laughably Talks About Transparency

    FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

    The head of the Washington FBI field office, , recently did a hypocritical interview about transparency at the law enforcement agency, which is such a lie, it is ludicrous. You better hope you don't get struck by lightening lying like that. The FBI is anything but transparent.

    The FBI has a terrible track record with complying with the Freedom of Information Act, also known as FOIA. They lie and hide or destroy documents, to keep the truth from the public on a regular basis.

    Which is why people have to sue them and even then, they still fight like junkyard dogs, to hide incriminating documents they are Congressionally obligated to release, under the Freedom of Information Act. Who could respect such corruption and treachery.

    Side Bar: It has been 11 months since I filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the FBI, to obtain documents they informed me in writing they are withholding, giving no basis for doing so and to this day, they still have not released them, in violation of FOIA. The next time the FBI tells you they are above board and transparent, do remember this case and know they are not. They are corrupt, inefficient, taxpayer money wasting liars, who have let America down time and time again and worst of all disease sufferers.

    FBI field chief wants 'transparency'

    Shawn Henry has a favorite word that one might not expect from the head of the FBI's Washington field office -- "transparency." Just four months into his post as assistant director in charge, Henry says he's already working hard to make the agency more accessible...

    But among his larger aims is to partner more with the private sector. The FBI is sharing information with businesses that previously would have been off-limits — even in the midst of criminal investigations — to make sure they're equipped against cyberterrorism and other threats. “I want to walk up to the line,” the 48-year-old Henry said during a recent interview at his office. “I want to give you as much as I can so that you understand what it is that we do.”...

    “I want to be able to pull back the curtain — come on in, here's what we're doing,” he said.-- Associated Press


    Source URL: http://crystal-harris-sum.blogspot.com/2010/07/fbi-laughably-talks-about-transparency.html
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