Tuesday, April 13, 2010

David Cameron On The Campaign Trail


    Conservative Party head, David Cameron, has been on the campaign trail, with pregnant with Samantha, hoping he will lead his contingent to victory on May 6, 2010, in the British elections.

    The race is almost at the home stretch, so in a bid at giving the public a chance to know him better, he has a YouTube page, with videos of his home life.

    Video: Conservatives say Labour manifesto is 'empty' - ITN NEWS

    The couple is affectionately named Sam and David. However, being the music buff, I instantly called them "Sam and Dave" like the music group.

    Sam and Dave

    All joking aside, Cameron has stated, he seeks to bring positive change to Britain, as he squares off against incumbent Prime Minister, Gordon Brown and his Labour Party.

    Source URL: http://crystal-harris-sum.blogspot.com/2010/04/david-cameron-on-campaign-trail.html
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