Monday, August 1, 2011

$2.4 Trillion Increase In U.S. Debt Ceiling Passes In Congress

    One Day Ahead Of Schedule, But The Benefits Are Negligible

    The U.S. Congress has passed a bill raising the debt ceiling by by $2.4 trillion dollars, to avoid the nation defaulting on its many debts. The proposed spending cuts, to take place over 10 years, not to commence until 2013, are weak and insufficient to tackle the national debt. There is also the very high probability the government will spend even more money, via miscellaneous and emergency costs, that will completely derail the entire budget.

    The bill is not particularly helpful to the U.S. economy, makes paltry cuts in government spending that will have no real impact on the deficit and lacks the tax increase on the rich, necessary to help financially pull America back in the black.

    U.S. President Barack Obama (right) and Vice President Joe Biden (left)

    The economic numbers are in for July 2011 and they do not look good. Job creation is going at a very poor pace, leaving 14,000,000 Americans unemployed. U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders insists unemployment is actually at "16 percent" not "10 percent." There was next to no growth in the U.S. manufacturing sector, which is bad, as the nation needs exports as one of several key revenue sources.

    As mentioned above, another key revenue stream that is missing from the bill, is tax increases on the nation's wealthiest citizens. It's only fair, if the rich are going to live in America, they should help clean up the financial mess Wall Street's greed spree made on their behalf and that of their bulging bank accounts.

    Sensible cuts to the government's budget would have made a great impact, such as closing a number of U.S. bases abroad, selling the land/buildings and equipment to the host countries, saving the nation billions in upkeep costs per year. The defense budget is too big, yet as we have seen repeatedly, terrorists can get into America if they want to and engage in evil acts that need to desist.

    President Obama and members of his administration

    Therefore, you may as well close many of the bases and bring the U.S. citizens back to America. It is cheaper than keeping them open, which is causing further offense in a number of places in the world. It also seems the cuts in the current bill target the poor and middle class, which is a bad idea. How did Congress get it so wrong again.

    For the aforementioned reasonable reasons, the Judiciary Report is not in favor of the bill that was just passed in the U.S. Congress. Any sensible person with moderate views and a grip on reality will realize, it is not going to work and after all that wrangling and arguing it sad that this is all they came up with.


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    Democrats And Republicans Refuse To Budge On Debt Ceiling While Obama Threatens To Cut Social Security Next Month

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