Osama Bin Laden
Despite Osama Bin Laden's Megatron styled burial at sea, after U.S. Navy Seals used him for target practice, only 1 in 5 Americans believe the terrorist is actually dead. This is according to a recent Zogby poll. Theoretically, that's 60 million Americans, who do not believe Osama Bin Laden kicked the bucket. The White House's handling of the incident, clearly led to this doubtfulness among segments of the population.
Barack Obama
In the days proceeding President Obama's announcement of the raid he said killed the Al Qaeda plotter, the White House's story on what transpired in the slaying, changed so many times, it led critics to compile lists of the changes and state they are lying. This was exacerbated by the fact, the CIA told the world corpse photos would be released for verification, then President Obama decided otherwise.
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Reuters Osama Death Photo Does Not Look Like Him
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Osama Bin Laden Killed, But CIA And FBI Questions Abound
Source URL: https://crystal-harris-sum.blogspot.com/2011/05/1-in-5-americans-believe-osama-is-not.htmlVisit crystal harris gallery for daily updated Crystal Harris Gallery