Title: Frontline's "College Inc"
Year Of Release: 2010
Review Date: May 31, 2010
Rating: PG
Running Time: 60 minutes
Box Office Gross: N/A
Site Rating: 8 out of 10 stars
"College Inc" is a PBS Frontline documentary on the high cost of going to university in America. It was a real eye opener, regarding massive debt and the unfulfilled promises of employment, some universities make prospective students, who end up disillusioned and disappointed.
It is a multi-billion dollar industry that has helped some, but hurt others, due to backbreaking debt, insufficiently accredited degrees and training, which are rejected by some employers.
Many of all ages, agree to student loans and end up in over their heads, as the phrase goes, saddled with five to six figure debt before they find their first job after university.
A university degree is wonderful, but do read the fine print, before you financially commit to something you cannot afford that will equal the price of a house.
Weigh your options carefully to be certain the university you are choosing, fits your long term financial plans. If the total future debt will be too much, choose a less expensive university and make sure it is accredited.
Source URL: https://crystal-harris-sum.blogspot.com/2010/06/celluloid-film-review-college-inc.htmlVisit crystal harris gallery for daily updated Crystal Harris Gallery